WordPress blogging service by: huge DDoS attack

WordPress.com blogging service has suffered a "major" Distributed Denial of Service attack. Many high-profile blogs, or just paralyzed most available Thursday. IT Blog Watch, bloggers speculate about political motives.

Our blog host, is currently under a denial of service attack. It is almost impossible to access the backend TechCrunch for the last 10 minutes (everything seems stable now) and users have received a "letter to the consultation were disabled, we will reduce everything online as soon as possible" error message.

Blog VIP

WordPress.com currently suffers from a very large Distributed Denial of Service attack, which affects the supply in some cases. The size of the attack, several gigabits per second and tens of millions of packets per second.

We are working to mitigate the attack, but due to extreme size, it is quite difficult. At this point, everything should be back to normal that the attack has been reduced, but we are actively working with our suppliers of current measures to prevent such attacks affecting connectivity in the future.

We carry VIP priority sites in this effort and, as always, you can contact xxxxx@wordpress.com the last update. We will also update this post more information as it becomes available

WordPress does not mention the attacks (DDoS =! Anonymous) and I contacted the founder Matt Mullenweg for more information. WordPress.com is currently 30 million publishers, including EDP personalities, CBS and TechCrunch, and is responsible for 10% of all sites in the world. WordPress.com even see around 300 million unique visits per month.

Updated: Automattic and WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg says that this is the biggest attack WordPress.com has ever seen, and is likely to be politically motivated:

"This is an ongoing DDoS attack that was large enough to affect all three of our data centers in Chicago, San Antonio and Dallas - it is currently disabled, but it is possible, there is s' ignite again later, we are taking proactive measures to implement.

This is the biggest attack and more sustained than we have seen in our past 6 years. We think it may have been politically motivated against one of our non-English blogs, but we are still investigating and have no conclusive evidence yet. "

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